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Strigel, Hypomnämata (englisch), Teil 6

Fift Proceeding
in the Harmony of King
Dauids Harpe.
That is to say, a godly and learned Exposition
of 5. other moe Psalmes of the princely Prophet Dauid:
beginning with the 68. and ending with the 72.
Psalme, being the last part of the first Tome,
or one halfe of the booke
of Psalmes.
Written in Latin by the reuerend Doctor Victorinus
Strigelius : professor of Diuinity in the Vniuersity
of Lipsia in Germanie.
Anno, 1576.
Translated into English by Richard Robinson
Citizen of London. 1594.
Seene, and allowed.

Psalme 36, verse 10.
O continue forth thy louing kindnesse to them that know thee :
and thy righteousnesse vnto them that are true of hart.
Psalme 37, verse 35.
Hope thou in the Lord and keepe his way, and he shall promote
thee: that thou shalt possesse the land, when the vngodly shal perish
thou shalt see it.

Printed by P. S. for Matthew Lownes, and are to be
sold at his shop vnder S. Dunstons Church in
the West. 1598.


Umfang und Format
[4], 76 S. 4°
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EEBO: STC / 1694:12 (copy from Library of Congress)
Verknüpfung zu Volltextdigitalisat - Externes Angebot



Strigel, Hypomnämata (englisch), Teil 6, in: Controversia et Confessio Digital. Herausgegeben von Irene Dingel. <>. (Zugriff am 13.01.2025)

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