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Strigel, Hypomnämata (englisch), Teil 5
A fourth Proceeding in
the Harmony of King
Dauids Harp.
That is to say;
A Godly and learned Ex-
position of six Psalmes moe of the
princely Prophet Dauid, begin-
ning with the 62. and end-
ing with the 67.
Done in Latin by the reuerend Doctour
Victorinus Strigelius Professor of Di-
uinitie iu [sic] teh vniuersitie of Lypsia in
Germany Anno 1562.
Translated into English by Richard Ro-
binson Citizen of London.
Seene, perused, and allowed.
Keep me O Lord from the handes of the vngodly : pre-
serue me from the wicked men, Psal 140.4.
Behold, he that keepeth Israel, shall neither slumber nor
sleepe, Psal. 121.4.
The Lord himselfe is thy keeper the Lorde is thy defence
vpon the right hand, vers. 5.
Printed by Valentine Simmes.
- Umfang und Format
- [6], 51 S. 4°
- Weitere Exemplare
- EEBO: STC / 940:02 (copy from British Library)
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Strigel, Hypomnämata (englisch), Teil 5, in: Controversia et Confessio Digital. Herausgegeben von Irene Dingel. <>. (Zugriff am 10.11.2024)
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